Make Money Online As An Affiliate Marketer, Welcome to Wealthy Affiliate Hubs Overview

Make Money Online With Wealthy Affiliate Hubs

What Is A Hub?

A Business website Hub serves as the “control center” of your business. You are going to get instant access to your website, writing milestones, core training, help with the structure and blueprint of your website, the ability to manage your writing tasks, and a great deal of detailed research ideas that are directly tied into Jaaxy.

Key Features

  • Website Management Area. This is where you are going to be able to manage your website, login into your website. All websites here are hosted on our high speed, high ranking, and ultra secure Managed WordPress Hosting framework
  • Core Training. This is where you will be accessing your key training, which initially is 20 lessons in length. As you complete these lessons, additional and more advanced training will become available to our Premium/Premium Plus+ members within this scroll. We are going to truly advance you from any level of marketer, to an expert through this core training +.
  • Your Milestones. These are not just writing milestones, but milestones in your business. As you start to build out your website and content, you are going to open your doors to the ability to earn money through affiliate programs, through advertising networks, and establishing authority and traffic in your respective niche.
  • Website Structure & Organization. This section is going to help you discover a broader blueprint for your business, and categories that you can touch on within your niche. The research is done for you, and this will give you over 200 high opportunity content ideas that you can use to build out your business.
  • Task Manager. Manage your writing task through the “To Do” list. This is going to help you streamline your entire business, and give you a focused road map to success within your respective niche. You can add ideas to this list at any point, and it will be pre-loaded with some initial key pages that you want to add to your website.
  • Niche Research. This is where it gets really fun, you are going to be able to get “ideas galore” related to your niche. This is going to provide you with 100’s of low competition, and highly targeted ideas across your niche that you can use to build out your business.

Take The Journey – Join Today

Week 1-2: Laying the Foundations – From understanding online business models to niche selection.

The first two weeks are all about constructing a solid foundation. A house built on sand won’t withstand the storm, and a business without a strong base will falter. You’ll be exploring different online business models and getting the foundation of your website and brand set-up. This includes getting your own .com domain!

Week 3-4: Building Your Online Presence – Crafting a website that reflects your brand’s voice.

Just as a building takes form with the development of its outer structure, your online presence begins to materialize in weeks 3 and 4. Brush your creative hats because you’ll be crafting your website that’s true to your brand’s voice. We are also going to be getting your website indexed into search engines, and ready to scale and get traffic.

Week 5-6: Content Creation & Marketing – Driving traffic and fostering engagement.

Next up, weeks 5 and 6. You’ve built your “house” (ie, the website), now it’s time to invite people over. Enter the world of content creation and marketing—where you attract people from all the key search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo) and start to reach out your tentacles.

You will start to get rankings and traffic, and move into a positioning of a “scalable online business”. Also, your website is going to be ready for affiliate programs, and full integration of the promotional elements. This is an exciting time in your business, you’ll learn how to drive traffic, foster engagement, stir interest, and incite action.

Week 7-8: Monetization & Scaling – Converting visitors into customers and taking your business to new heights.

Onto weeks 7 and 8. Monetization and scaling. You’ve got the buzz, you’ve got the audience, now it’s time to transform visitors into customers. During these weeks we will introduce you to conversion tactics and strategies to amplify your operations—to take your business to new heights..

At the end of just the first eight weeks, you will have more than just a functional business. You’ll have a brand and a vision—an understanding of your destination and the map through Business Hubs to get there.

Up next, we are going to be getting into the “brand” side of your business, and how to establish that in the early stages.

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