I want my own business but don’t know how. What do I do first to start a business with no education?

What kind of business can you start?

This very question depends on you and your strengths and weaknesses and what you are passionate about.It’s no good being in a great business that you don’t enjoy.

As general advice, an internet based business is most likely to be the quickest and cheapest business you can start. In most cases you just need a laptop and a phone to get started.

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You can also play in the global market from day 1.

Great internet business ideas include:

  1. Affiliate marketing — where you sell other people’s products or services in exchange for a commission

2. Providing online education by recording and running courses — this is an information business.

    3. Selling physical products on the internet — drop shipping or Amazon store (this will have some initial costs).

    4. Running a media business —where you generate content (e.g. news) and get advertising revenue. You can also run a podcast and monetize it through advertising.

    5. You could become a freelancer in your area of expertise on freelance websites such as Up work.

    I hope this article has helped you get started. Feel free to leave a comment below.

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