Starting A Food Trailer Business

Starting A Food Trailer Business

Starting a food trailer business is not as hard as you may think. You can start A food vending business on a budget! I bought the trailer for 3,500, I have about 7,000 in the whole set up. I challenge you to beat my budget! I challenge you to push yourself to be successful and be your own boss. You can Do this! I want you to find a nice trailer that looks good to the public for as cheap as possible. I want you to be successful on a budget. I want to see you recoup your Investment as soon as possible.

With any business start up comes dedication, passion, and planning. This business is profitable, and can be full filling and fun. Do your homework. Run the numbers, ask yourself how do I want my business to look to the public, and how much do I want to Invest.

Get your proper business license in the city you work In, be legit! Start a website!

Get up everyday with one thought, I am going to do this business, I am going to work my business, and nothing is going to stop me. Get excited about making your own money!

If you have passion for this business venture you are about to take on, you will be successful!

Read my article on passion.

Once you are ready to vend, add your business to google business, create your business page on google. Its great for people that want to find your business and getting google reviews.

Also, create a website. I created mine, and started for free.

Its a great place to be walked through the entire process of building a website with 24/7 support and an entire community to help you along the way.

Here is another great article.

How to Start a Food Truck Business – NerdWallet

I hope you have enjoyed this article, and video on starting a food trailer business.  Your Insights, comments, or questions are always welcome. Feel free to drop me a note below and I will try and help you the best I can.


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